Sean was featured on this site a total of five times in the almost three years we have been online. You can see all five rejected covers [technically 2 of them are from after "Covered" retired so they were never "REJECTED"] right here:
Do yourself a favor and take a look around his blog. Have fun exploring his take on pop culture. It really is a one of a kind vision.
Thanks to Sean's participation in "Rejected" I was able to befriend him on facebook and actually work with him on a few projects outside of this blog. He even started collaborating with other collaborators of mine! Very much joining my art-making-family, and making a lasting impact on us as a group. I feel very lucky to have known him and worked with him [though thanks to the magic of the internet we never met face to face]. I speak for myself and Josh when I say we are both glad to have featured his artwork on this silly little blog of ours.
I wanted to keep this short and simple. Many people, including myself, have said nice things about Sean and shared great memories from the short [or long, depending] time we knew him. You can read all of these on his facebook page. Collectively and individually they paint a picture of a unique huge hearted and gifted man that made a lot of people happy with his artwork and sense of humor.
If you've ever found yourself enjoying Hartter's artwork somewhere on the web, please consider donating to his memorial fund.
Thank you for helping to make our corner of a corner of a corner of the internet a little brighter and a little weirder. You will be missed. Rest in Peace.
Rejected by Covered
P.S. Hartter had 5 covers over at our "Mother-Site" Covered. All are very much worth checking out. He drew one of the best Batman faces I have ever seen.